This tool kit is designed simply as a 'thought starter' providing suggestions and recommendations for materials or events you might consider including for the FiF learner. Click here to access
1. Technology Barriers
2. Build Confidence
3. Communicate
4. Obstacles
1. Communication
2. Managing Fears
3. Recognising Obstacles
1. Assumptions
2. Existing Resources
3. Recognising Obstacles
4. Strategies for Success
Ripples of learning (Gender & Education Conference 2014)
Breaking the Barriers (RAISE Conference 2014)
Breaking the Barriers (FYHE 2014)
Breaking the Barriers presentation (Griffiths Uni)
Pecha Kucha for GEA
OLT Conference 2016, Melbourne: here is the poster which was presented at the conference held in April, which provides an overview of the Fellowship and activities to date