What students said:
I have turned into a person who would make commitments I couldn't keep into a person who knows their limits and now realises that family and studying is my biggest priority.
Weekends have become study sessions and making plans around study was difficult to start with as I was not in a routine of studying. After studying for 2 years now I feel in a routine
My entire schedule has changed. My child spends three days a week away from me … I study during those days, and at night time after she has gone to bed
Study is a nightly routine and not being able to do at least 2-3 hours daily causes some degree of personal stress
I have had to make the adjustment of 'planning' my week every Sunday night about what UNI work needs to be done and what work I will do each night …
For the most part I just stay up later or wake up earlier
My kids have had to adjust to me not being there as much for them as I was previously and the fact that often I have to go and study when they are home
I often study well after the kids have gone to bed and on weekend.
I have a great routine in place and it isn't impacting on my sleep at night or any other activities. I’ve managed my time so well that everything just falls into place without interrupting each other