What students said:
Last year it was difficult … but this year I made the switch to online study. This allowed me to be close to home and more flexible so the other two kids had support for schooling and so on. This has reduced the strain on the family and it allows my wife to the opportunity to accept part time work, which benefits her stream of study. It also benefits me as I can also take on part time work from home and still be close by for the other kids
I used to go to the gym almost every day after work, now I am walking during my lunch break or going to express classes at the gym near my work.
I study while my older two are at school and while my youngest has her day sleeps.
I study when my son is at kindy or in bed
if I can't make a family event than it's no huge issue, we schedule events or family gatherings around my assignment/essay deadlines
Both my children are in school which has opened up my week. I usually head straight to the library and study until it is time to pick them up
I've also had learn to wake earlier and sleep later to fit more study time in. I also work around the schedules of others in the house, often resulting in studying 'on-the-go'. Others are also working around my schedule, there has for the most part been a great deal of cooperation