Some Student Comments
At the information session they try and give you as much information as possible but I don’t think they quite prepare you for the amount of administrative stuff you have to do yourself. (Adele, 62)
I never knew where to access help and I was very scared about it so I wish that someone just had have been like “Okay, if you need help with this you go here, if you need help with this go here” or that “It’s totally okay to rock up to their office and ask the stupidest question” or maybe if there was like from earlier on, a mentoring program with somebody who’d been in uni for four years so that you could just meet with them and they could tell you “This is what it’s actually like. If you do this amount of work you’ll get these kind of marks”. (Nelson, 22)
If I needed help, I would know where to go. I find there’s a lot of friendly people around, there’s a lot of help if you ask for it and there are a lot of programs, like they have (0:37:19.1) the wellbeing and all that… (Ally, 39)
Well they do sort of put it in the first lecture they put up on the PowerPoint and in the – what are they called – it’s the guide to... the subject outline. They do mention where you can go to get information and get help and that. I think for me, the biggest problem is I often feel like I’m bothering people. Only just recently in my biology class, I went to my lecturer four different times about different things to do with my… I had three assignments given back to me in this one class – I went to him four different times with four different queries and I felt like I was bothering him because I was giving him so much to think about (Anthea, 21)