I feel like I'm going somewhere and working towards a goal that's always been in the back of my mind. I'm pretty excited about it :)

Top 5 Study Hints - #2 Get Organised!


“I have had to set boundaries. I always get ahead on my studies prior to school holidays so that I have less to do when my children are at home, but they must accept that when I am studying I am not "free" and they need to give me some peace and quiet. I still feel guilty at times when I am studying and they want to go places and do things, but I do try to fit it in”

Getting organised in itself is a learning process – some people seem to be naturally good at juggling their commitments, but most of us need to work at it. Mature age learners have often developed time management and organisational skills in other areas of their life, so are likely to be better prepared for the commitment of study than younger learners. Here’s some suggestions and insights:

  • Get organised: time management

    What students said:

      It's not easy, when planning weekends and time before and after work, I need to include study time. I almost have to have an appointment system in place to try and keep on top of everything

      Applying myself more and being more organised has helped not only my study itself but also my household

      I am incredibly happy with how I have managed my time and also organised my life in terms of juggling three children and a household

      Juggling 3 different group assignments tested my organisation and boosted my self-confidence as I took on a leadership role in most groups.

      I have improved my time management skills. I can fit in much more than I used to due to better time management skills

      Getting good grades has helped me to hone my time management and organisational skills

      As a student I have been able to increase my time management skills and self organisation as university is very much up to the individual

      I write up my own timetable and plot it out for each week of semester with what has to be done by what time / day

      I manage time better and I am way more organised

      I have had to learn to assign extra study times especially prior to due date for assignment. Because I am not working my studies are my number 1 priority

  • Plan to keep ‘on top’ of everything

    What students said:

    Uni work:

      I try to adjust to the amount of content that is delivered each day to keep on top of it all

      Instead of reading a novel in bed I now take my uni books

      I have been able to manage my time well enough to have all assignments handed in on time so far

      A major milestone is always when I feel like I am on top of everything, even if it only lasts for a day or two.

    At home:

      I’m much more diligent about preparing dinner

      My family has had to learn to cook and clean and wash … making sure there is someone to watch the kids and prepare meals all has taken a lot of planning

  • Know that it takes time to develop these skills

    What students said:

      I'm still learning how to balance my time properly

      This year has been pivotal for improving my time management / organisation / preparation- these are crucial skills I am now developing

      I am struggling to balance my time